En esta red social los usuarios pueden colgar sus outfits y poner donde lo han comprado y otros usuarios pueden puntuarlo y comentar que le parecen..Cualquier persona puede entrar en esta red social si os gusta la moda yo os aconsejaria crearos una cuenta.
Os dejo el link por si quereis registraros:
Trendtation is a social network used primarily by fashion bloggers, as this page isfashionable.
In this network users can upload their outfits and put where they have purchased andother users can rate it and comment that will appear .. Any person can enter the networkif you love fashion I would advise you to create an account.
In this network users can upload their outfits and put where they have purchased andother users can rate it and comment that will appear .. Any person can enter the networkif you love fashion I would advise you to create an account.
I leave the link if you want to log-in:
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